What Should You Know About Air Vaccine?

2nd Dec 2021

Air pollution isn’t just outdoors. You may also get sick because of indoor air pollutants, which are likely to circulate and linger more due to lack of ventilation inside your home, office, or place of business. Reduce that risk by investing in an innovative air purifier like the Air Vaccine.

Compared to other air purifiers, the Air Vaccine can produce 10 times more OH radicals, which are regenerated further after the disinfection process. This way, it can cover areas as large as 120sqm. That makes it practical for a wide range of settings, including residences, hotels, clinics, and commercial spaces where the quality of indoor air is likely to deteriorate fast due to poor ventilation.

Not your typical air purifier

The Air Vaccine is designed to cover maximum indoor area. It works differently by stripping off the hydrogen atom from viruses, bacteria, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to destabilize their structural integrity and make them harmless. Because of that, the device earned the nickname ‘detergent of the atmosphere.’

Tested and proven performance

Korean Conformity Laboratories have tested the device and they have proven its efficacy in removing 99.9 percent of bacteria like E.Coli. Air Vaccine is also found effective at eliminating 88.84 percent of Vaccinia Virus, which causes smallpox, 98.03 percent of influenza type A virus like H1N1, and 95 percent of VOCs.

Easy upkeep

When you buy the Air Vaccine, you can also purchase the replacement cartridge and the BAQA replacement cartridge, both of which are easy to change and install. These cartridges will ensure consistently clean indoor air to help keep you healthy and productive.

A good investment

Most of us think that we’re safe and breathing clean air indoors when we’re actually more at risk of getting sick this way. That’s why we should consider investing in a high-quality air purifier. Air Vaccine is a good choice because of its performance. It could also remove odors from smoke, pets, and food.